Keys To The Kingdom: Prayers for People You Don’t Want To Pray For


Keys to the Kingdom: Prayers for People You Do Not Want to Pray:

For contains 40 scripture-based prayers to pray when you don’t know what to pray or how to pray over your enemies.

Let us face it, from time to time, we come across people that may hurt us, that we may not care for, or that are just not our cup of tea. But scripture says that we are to pray for our enemies, that we are to pray for all of God’s children. Prayer is our only hope of change in them and in us.

I Timothy 2:1-6 admonishes us to pray for everyone so we may live a peaceful, quiet life with all godliness and holiness. Just because we see someone one way, doesn’t mean they are the type of person we think we see. Pray these prayers for 40 days and watch how God moves in your life, giving you the eyes to see the people you meet the way He sees them, as His children.

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Keys to the Kingdom: Prayers for People You Do Not Want to Pray For

Example Prayer: Day 1 – It is clear from this passage that we should learn to pray for all, “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession, and thanksgiving be made for all people.” And, if we do we can be blessed with healing, a peaceful life and a quiet life. May these prayers help us pray for all people, especially those we do not want to pray for and those we forget. It is our and their only hope. Amen (I Timothy 2:1, James 5:16)