Acts 29 – The Never Ending Book

In the book of Acts, there are 28 chapters written over one thousand years ago, telling stories of miracles, healing, unity, and strength, all of which were led by a gift sent by God, the Holy Spirit. “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about.” (New International Version, Acts 1:4)

Are We Living Out The 29th Chapter of The Book of Acts?

This last instruction given by Jesus before he ascended into heaven is the sole reason why Chapter 29 is continually being written today—waiting on and receiving the Holy Spirit—by those who have believed and still believe the good news of Jesus.

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In Dr. Terry Teykl’s book titled, Acts 29: 50 Days to Invite the Holy Spirit, he states, “if we study Acts and preach its wonderful accounts of the works of the Holy Spirit, why not pray it?” This makes me wonder. What would happen if we planned every prayer meeting with the same desire to succeed as a church event? We believe that you can create momentum by taking the time to pay attention to details. This allows you to set and exceed expectations. It also creates momentum for the people involved in the process, and for those who are a part of the outcome.

How Can You Be An Acts 29 Church?

We have the hunger and hope for every church to experience and live out the “Acts 29” kind of life. This gives them the opportunity to be moved by the same power the early church encountered. Let me give you five reasons why creating an “Acts 29” culture will change your church and your community:

1. The Word is a rich and effective prayer language
2. Corporate prayer promotes the agreement
3. Praying scripture helps us pray with a Kingdom agenda
4. Having a plan inspires us to be intentional about prayer
5. As we pray through the book of Acts, we invite the Holy Spirit

The first 28 chapters of the book of Acts are blueprints given to today’s church to follow. Therefore, we should strive to continue the legacy that we have inherited by the Apostles.

A Commitment To Pray

One of our favorite stories to share is about a woman who became a prayer warrior from a church in College Station, Texas. She was part of a group that was praying “Acts 29.” While doing so, she noticed some questionable activity occurring at a particular bar close to her community. Feeling concerned, she immediately began to pray, very specifically, for that place. She believed that if she released the Spirit’s work, He would show up and somehow transform that bar into a place that would glorify Jesus. By the Glory of God, the bar was not only completely shut down, but came back from the ashes and rose as a new business named ‘Praise the Lord’ Beauty Salon.

All of us are part of the “Acts 29” story. We want to invite you to pray individually and together in faith, as a body of Christ. Let us see the miracles and wonders that the apostles experienced many years ago. We are committed to seeing this change happen and have created a guide to help you see “Acts 29” happen in your church and community. Acts 29: 50 Days to Invite the Holy Spirit, is a practical tool that will give you guidance for how to move toward your “Acts 29” goal. For more information on how to find “Acts 29” and other Dr. Teykl resources, go to

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