Are You Prayed For, Or Preyed On?

Sometimes Pastors have targets on their backs. When they preach against sin people might get mad about the message, or if they change the order of worship people might get upset. Change can be hard for some people, and instead of going to the throne in prayer, they go to the phone and complain about their Shepherd.

Then too, the devil does not like pastors. He knows to strike him is to scatter the sheep. So, he targets the church leader with his fiery darts. And sometimes the Pastor can shoot themselves in the back by not dealing with anger or lust or simply not taking care of themselves.

It is essential and of most importance that a Pastor says often WILL YOU PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND COVER MY BACK!

Please click here for resources and guides to stay prayed for rather than preyed on.

Dr. Terry Teykl

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